- Re-collection, Victor Viña La primera serie de re•colección toma como punto de partida piezas clásicas de diseño y, por ende, aquellos materiales y tecnologías que definieron la estética de la producción en serie en el contexto de la Revolución Industrial. Deconstruyendo y parametrizando estos iconos del diseño, se realzan sus propiedades estructurales y materiales.
- Linkki, 2015: LINKKI is a kinetic construction toy based on planar linkage mechanism which allows users to design and prototype kinetic movements. Consisting of a modular box, bars and circles, and active/interactive modules, LINKKI is intended to simplify movement construction but remain versatile as an educational tool and designer’s prototyping tool.
- open-mirror: OPEN MIRROR is an oval-shaped mirror providing a different way of listening to music and new sensations of light, sound and gestures. The hidden secret of OPEN MIRROR is represented by an advanced gestural interface with sensors that detect the movements of the hand and allow controlling your music without touching the phone. Slide the mirror open to reveal a charging station and a light illuminating the area where the sensors are active.
- gbg-8: 8-bit instant photo gun
- Slow Games, 2014: Slow Games are physical video games with a very low frequency of interaction: one move a day.
- Lonely Sculpture, 2014: An scupture conceptual about loneliness, in the age social media.
- Weather instrument, 2014: Taking the form of a hand made 15 bit computer, this machine takes temperature data for the New York City area and maps it to the width of a narrow strip of paper. The data is encoded by the position of the punched hole. The punched paper is then fed through a 15 note music player, becoming the software for its operation.
- Beat Blox,2014: Beat Blox is a graduation project by Per Holmquist from Beckmans College of Design in Sweden. The project includes a music machine which allows anyone to create and experiment with music, in a playful and tangible way. The installation includes three turntables, all with built in Arduino, midishield and a total of 15 digital distance sensors. As the user adds a block to the deck, the distance sensor plays a sound. Combining all three turntables produces some quite intricate and fun beats.
- Primo,2014: A playful tangible programming interface that introduces programming logic to children at pre-literate level. The goal of the game is to guide a smiling robot called cubetto to his destination by creating instruction sequences using colourful and intuitive instruction blocks. By creating these simple algorithms children learn the logical foundations of programming, necessary for more advanced coding later on in life.
- Craft Camera,2013: Craft Camera is a simplified D.I.Y digital camera. It is established of a carboard case and an electronic system runned by Arduino. All the elements are Open Source, allowing users to master the use and the life expectancy, or to build it as Do It Yourself. The simplification of the device allows to privilege the spontaneity in the recording. Photos are stored in a memory card, and can be displayed on the computer. Craft Camera is under Creative Commons license CC
- Oblomots,2013: Creació de personatges desmuntables construïts i dissenyats amb impressora 3D i funcionament amb leds.
- Kiting, 2013: La màquina de tricotar ja ha pasat gràcies al arduino a un projecte de codi obert, gràcies al grup i al treball de varvarag junt a Mar Canet
- A tweeting morse telegraph, 2012: An open design exercise in interface archaeology, that decodes the input from a classic Morse telegraph to send twitter messages.
- Moving Brands Joule - a holiday innovation ,2012: L'estudi de disseny Moving Brands, ha elebaorat un escaparate on construeix un entorn amigable a partir de la utilització de la llum, el paper i l'escaparatisme,... Un conjunt amb una motivació nadalenca.
- Landscape abreviated, 2011: Landscape Abbreviated is a kinetic maze consisting of modular elements with rotating planters, which form a garden that is simultaneously a machine. I am interested in the way that simple interventions can make the experience of space dynamic and unpredictable. The planters are controlled by a software program that continuously generates new maze patterns based on mathematical rules; they rotate to form shifting pathways that encourage visitors to change direction and viewpoints as they move through the space. I envision this sculpture not as a classical labyrinth built to ensnare, but rather as an architectural abbreviation of grand ideas. In this way, the maze relates to literature, mathematical beauty, game play and the rigor of software programming, as much as it does to architecture and landscape.
- Low Tech Factory/Stamp 2012: Stamp is a production line that converts simple plastic trellis into portable lamps. The steps in the manufac- turing process are carried out along a rail: the plastic is heated, shaped, and finally crimped over an inexpensive bulb. The result of this ingenious production is a portable lamp complete with a graphic lightweight shade.
- Fruit flip 2011: Fruit Flip is a simple service product that inspires people to eat healthy fruit and vegetables in new ways by providing hints and tips through intuitive interaction. The Fruit Flip connects to a simple service that delivers fresh, organic fruit and vegetables to your home on a weekly basis and aims to foster knowledge for a healthy, balanced diet.
- Barcode piano 2011:Barcode Piano is a musical instrument and a toy for children to explore and understand the essential principles behind barcodes. Barcodes are unique information holders that can be used to identify entities such as mail, products or patients by reading the unique information embedded in the barcode’s numbers and lines.
- Water Light Graffitty:The "Water Light Graffiti" is a surface made of thousands of LED illuminated by the contact of water. You can use a paintbrush, a water atomizer, your fingers or anything damp to sketch a brightness message or just to draw. Water Light Graffiti is a wall for ephemeral messages in the urban space without deterioration. A wall to communicate and share magically in the city.
- Tangible: Experimental User Interface New project by Georg Reil and Christoph Döring (previously: Fine Collection of Curious Sound Objects) comes in the form of an object that by physical touch and deformation alters animated graphics presented on a built in LED screen. Titled “Tangible – Experimental User Interface” Georg and Christoph explore experimental interface reacting to movement, rotation, tilt and pressure. Various applications created using Processing and Arduino are controlled via direct physical manipulation of the display – see video.
- Tetris: Very similar to Dance Dance Revolution and Tetris mixed together. It’s run on a Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform. In this project is a new way to play tetris – interacting with your feet and your body rather than just with your fingertips. Made by interface designers Luyza Pereira and Bettina Hiel for a school project.
- Knock Clock: A 48hours design project designed by Gijs Huisman, Giorgio Uboldi and Michael-Owen Liston.
- Solar Sinter: Solar Sinter by Markus Kayser is most definitely one of the most inspiring projects this year, aiming to raise questions about, energy and manufacturing. Markus designed a 3d printed that uses solar rays and silicia and heated sand to solidify it as glass in any shape or form. A combination of Arduino, ReplicatorG software, laptop computer and a bunch of custom made components, Markus took the printer to Sahara desert near Siwa, Egypt, for a two week testing period. CAN is proud to be the first to write about the project, the video on Vimeo now measures almost a million views.
- DadaBox: DaDa Box by Jifei Ou is an interactive storytelling object. It adopts the idea of “Collage” from Dadaism and allows a person to generate stories by a simple tangible action: shaking. When the box is shaken, a story contained inside switches its order randomly by sentence, and starts playing to the listener. The poem by Kurt Schwitters is stored in the box. With each shaking action, different orders of this poem are generated and played. The device contains an Arduino Board, Waveshield for audio playing, an accelerometer, a mini speaker and a LiPo battery.
- en.light.en: Los dispositivos de en.light.en de Barragán conservan por otro lado la ambigüedad entre obra única y objeto de consumo masivo, entre nociones tradicionales de arte como original y producto de diseño por el otro. En ellos se desarrolla la interacción en su forma mas simple y lúdica: intrigan e inquietan al espectador al plantearle relaciones inusuales e inesperadas a partir de objetos aparentemente sencillos pero tecnológicamente sofisticados. Usando Wiring como plataforma de programación que permite la creación de ambientes tangibles, estos dispositivos plantean para el observador/usuario formas nuevas de relacionarse con realidades inmateriales, planteadas corporalmente hoy pero aún sobre la promesa de realizarse socialmente en un futuro cercano.
- spotify player [1]: In a nutshell the objects consists of Processing sketch, Arduino and an RFID reader. Each RFID tag can be assigned to a Spotify link, album, artist or search. When the tag is placed on the reader, an ID-12, it sends a trigger to Processing and triggers an AppleScript that will take over Spotify and play whatever is linked to that tag. The processing sketch can also retrieve the information about the track that is being played. For doing so, a packet sniffer is checking all the internet packets sent from the computer and whenever it finds something being sent to Last.fm, it grabs it and parses the track information (artist, album, title and length).
- fine conections of curious sound objects: The arrangement includes six exceptional exhibits from the world of sounds and acoustics. At first sight looking trivial, each object incorporates a very unique ability. The magical character of each object is accompanied with a little story, almost completely concealing the existence of technical components such as speakers or sensors. Only small connection ports as well as the uniform black finishing point to thier unusual abilities. In form and functionalty all these exhibits pursue John Maeda’s "Simplicity“. They are enjoying to use, they are surprising and one wants to explore and investigate them.
- Esper Domino, 2010: Joc on intervenen les fitxes del dominó que s'interrelacionen a travès del moviment.
- Olars,2010: Olars is an electronic interactive toy inspired by Karl Sims' evolved virtual creatures. Having thousands of varieties in movement and behaviour by attaching different geometrical limbs, modifying the angle of these, twisting the body itself, and by adjusting the deflection of the motorised joints, results in both familiar and strange motion patterns.
- The multixylophoniomnibus, 2009: For our media controller project, Hana, Ania, and I decided to build a musical instrument that would control a series of unexpected sounds. We’d take a conventional instrument and augment its normal sound-creation mechanism so that it accompanied itself when played. The result was the Multixylophoniomnibus.
- Beat box, 2009: Arduino Beat Box recorder/player using waveshaping, a bunch of piezo switches, an IR sensor for beat selection, and a super ghetto (translation: AWESOME) enclosure.
- Songfever,2009: Songfever is a public interface for your iTunes library. It aims to combine the comfort of a digital music library with the visual and tangible quality that we once had with physical media.
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